Hyderabad: The Siasat Education Fair received a huge response from students across the city for on the first day it was held yesterday on September 26. The event aims to guide students through their higher education path, and will run until September 28, at the Mehboob Hussain Jigar Hall of the Siasat office in Abids.
Each day’s sessions will be last from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Siasat Daily and MS Education Academy in association with Lords Institute of Engineering and Technology are conducting the educational fair for students (and their parents) who wish to pursue studies in engineering, medicine, pharmacy, management, and B.Ed.
At the education fair, students will have an expert career counselor, M. A. Hameed, who will offer guidance to students and their parents on different aspects pertaining to their education.
The events is a platform to discuss course options, clarify doubts about admission requirements, to seek information about scholarships, etc. In short, the educational fair will help students receive information from university representatives in person as well as colleagues who may have similar goals.
Benefits of attending Siasat education fair
- Meet Institutions representatives directly and under one roof
- Offers complete guidance and counseling to the students
- Scholarships or fees concession for selected students
- Eligibility criteria
- Discover new course
- Seminars by experts
- Opportunity to greet and meet the peer