Mumbai: The controversial reality show Bigg Boss 15 is in its 3rd week and makers are leaving no stone unturned to make it more interesting for the viewers. From adding Bigg Boss OTT contestants, interesting mix of wildcards to eliminating the boring housemates, makers of the show are doing to all to keep the audience hooked and boost the TRPs.
However, despite many dynamic twists, high octane drama and other substantial efforts, Bigg Boss 15’s TRP has been hitting low every week. Even the Weekend Ka Vaar episodes are not getting good TRP rates. This is coming as a shock to many fans who think Salman Khan‘s presence did wonders most of the time. It seems like even Bhaijaan is failing to spread the magic this season.
Earlier two weeks were quite impressive wherein contestants were focussing on their respective strategies during the jungle theme. However, as days passed the show’s focus started shifting more towards love angles ruining the essence of Bigg Boss.
Live Feed is another factor for low TRPs. Many people who watch live do not watch the show as the feel the former is a lot better.
Considering all this, a few reports are now suggesting that Bigg Boss 15, which was supposed to run till February 2022, is likely to go off air before Feb itself. It is being said that the finale might take place next month itself. However, nothing has been confirmed yet.