New Delhi: Delhi Police on Tuesday sent a Station House Officer and a Division Officer to district lines and also suspended its three beat officers following their failure to maintain law and order in south Delhi’s Taimoor Nagar after alleged murder of an activist.
The order came a day after a vigilance enquiry was ordered in the case where activist Rupesh was allegedly murdered by two drug smugglers outside his residence.
“We have sent Station House Officer (SHO) Inspector Sushil Kumar and Division Officer Sub-Inspector Rajender to district lines. Three beat officers — Head Constable Ajay, Constables Surender and Hari Chand — have been placed under suspension,” Deputy Commissioner of Police Chinmoy Biswal said.
“These officers were found guilty in preliminary findings of Vigilance Enquiry conducted by Additional DCP-rank officer to look into the alleged lapses of local police in the murder case of Rupesh and resultant law and order problem in Taimoor Nagar area on Sunday,” Biswal added.
The deceased had been fighting against drug smugglers and local criminals in Taimoor Nagar. He was gunned down by two suspected smugglers who came to buy drugs near his residence.
The incident occurred on Sunday night when the victim, Rupesh, was playing with his children outside his residence.
The attackers first stabbed a drug peddler when they did not get fine quality drugs from him and later attacked Rupesh.