New Delhi: In an unexpected instance, Shiv Sena member Sanjay Raut has slammed Prime Minister Narendra Modi after he had criticized Rahul Gandhi. The Congress president had on Tuesday expressed that he ‘wants to be the prime minister’ if his party decides so in 2019 general election. PM Modi on this took a dig at Rahul and said he is jumping the queue of senior leaders.
The Shiv Sena member told India Today that the PM should abstain from making personal attacks. “Every party decides as per their need. If in 2019 Rahul wants to become PM, people will decide, just as people elected the BJP in 2014. If we believe in democracy it’s not right to demean any leader like this,” Raut said.
He also gave examples of the previous governments, saying, “Leaders are in the queue in every party. Pranab da was in queue but Manmohan Singh became the PM. In the BJP, Murli Manohar Joshi and LK Advani were in queue but the party chose Narendra Modi.”
This backing up of Congress president by Shiv Sena can add more fuel to the ongoing spat between BJP and Shiv Sena over the Lok Sabha by-polls.