Mumbai: The Shiv Sena on Saturday hit out at Congress president Rahul Gandhi, saying the latter is ‘roaming free’ despite publicly making several statements against Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Shiv Sena through its mouthpiece Saamna rubbished allegations leveled by the Congress and underlined that “individual freedom” prevails under NDA’s rule.
“The opposition says whatever pleases them, this is not indicative of the death of democracy in the country. If our government came, we will put chowkidar in jail, saying such a thing publicly and yet roaming free, is certainly not the sign of the complete end of individual freedom in the country,” read the editorial.
Reacting to LK Aadvani’s blog, the editorial opined, “Calling people, who question air strikes as ‘anti-nationals’ is equally wrong is questioning the proof of airstrike.”
It further took a swipe at Congress and said those who coined slogan ‘Indira is India’ are today saying ‘Modi is not India’.