Mumbai: In an editorial in its mouthpiece “Saamana”, the Shiv Sena on Thursday slammed the Central government over the ‘COVID-crisis’ across the country. It has also hit out at the Supreme Court for being a ‘spectator’ till now.
The Supreme Court, itself ‘confirmed’ that the Narendra Modi-led Central government has failed in handling the COVID-19 situation across the country, Shiv Sena said.
It said that the health infrastructure in the country has collapsed and the shortage of medical oxygen, beds, and vaccine is a matter of concern.
Taking a jibe at Bharatiya Janata Party, the publication said, “From whom the BJP leaders will seek resignation over the remarks made by the apex court? The BJP asked for resignation from the state government over the fire incidents in COVID hospitals in Maharashtra. The cremation grounds across the country are flooded with bodies.”
The party, through his mouthpiece, also slammed the Supreme Court for being a mute spectator over the elections in West Bengal and Kumbh in Uttarakhand.
“Whatever it may be, the country is facing the crisis due to the Supreme Court being a mute spectator till now. Power tussle in West Bengal, the Kumbh Mela of Haridwar, and a role of a mute spectator is behind the crisis,” it said.
The Shiv Sena also hit out at Union Home Minister Amit Shah for not wearing a mask while addressing election rallies in West Bengal. The party pointed out that the people were seen without masks at the rallies and during the Kumbh.
“The Election Commission, police, and courts were a mute spectator then,” it said.
“The Modi government should put political enmity aside and a should frame a comprehensive national plan with the help of leaders from different political parties,” it said.
“The Supreme Court has awakened, it is time that Central government should awake,” it added.