New Delhi: The Shiv Sena on Thursday described former union minister P. Chidambaram’s remark that the ‘Afzal Guru case was perhaps not correctly decided’, as a contempt of court and demanded that a case be filed against him.
“Who is Chidambram? Is he challenging the courts? The hanging happened according to the Supreme Court and laws. What Chidambram said is a contempt of court and case should be filed against him,” Shiv Sena spokesperson Sanjay Raut told ANI here.
Raut further added that the Congress had always sheltered terrorists.
Senior Congress leader Ashwani Kumar, however, distanced himself from Chidambaram’s remark, saying he was not aware in what context Chidambaram has quoted it.
“However, I think, the Supreme Court is the apex court of the country and its decision is correct and as per the constitution,” he added.
Chidambaram earlier told a leading English daily in an interview that he felt it was possible to hold an ‘honest opinion’ that the case was ‘perhaps not correctly decided’ and that there were ‘grave doubts about the extent of his involvement’ in the 2001 Parliament attack.
“I think it is possible to hold an honest opinion that the Afzal Guru case was perhaps not correctly decided,” said Chidambaram, who was the country’s Home Minister from 2008 to 2012, before being switched to the Finance Ministry.
“But being in government you cannot say the court has decided the case wrongly because it was the government that prosecuted him. But an independent person can hold an opinion that the case was not decided correctly,” he added.
Afzal Guru was executed in 2013 when Sushilkumar Shinde was the Home Minister. (ANI)