MUMBAI: The Shiv Sena on Wednesday took a dig at the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) over the allegations made by Patidar leader Narendra Patel, asserting that buying powerful politicians has become a “business” in Gujarat by the saffron party.
“Narendra Patel is not the only example of buying powerful politicians through money. This has now become a business in Gujarat,” the editorial in the Shiv Sena mouthpiece, ‘Saamna’, said.
Criticising the BJP, the Shiv Sena said, “The BJP has tried hard to give answers, but all have proven to be vague, and like every other time, they have no strength. The party army’s claims on TV channels have also been ineffective.”
The editorial piece added that the ‘stage managers’ of this “marketplace” want to keep politics in their control – which is worrisome and is dangerous for the whole nation.
Taking a dig at Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the Shiv Sena asserted that Prime Minister Modi hasn’t been on a foreign trip and has been spending most of his time in Gujarat, because there is a challenge in front of the BJP as the “assembly ground for the party is not going to be easy.”
The Sena also stated that the Enforcement Directorate should investigate the whole Narendra Patel issue, and that the Mumbai ED should go to Gujarat and investigate the whole matter.
“When the whole nation is burdened with poverty then how come so much money is being showered in Gujarat?” the Shiv Sena said.
The editorial added that the run up to the Gujarat elections was serving as a mode of entertainment for the whole nation.
“The way a game of gambling is being played in Gujarat, it does not seem like a hometown of Mahatma Gandhi and Sardar Patel, but has now become Prime Minister Modi’s and BJP president Amit Shah’s,” asserted Shiv Sena.
The Shiv Sena’s allegations come after Patidar leader Narendra Patel, a close aide of Hardik Patel, on Sunday alleged that he was offered Rs. 1 crore to join the BJP.
Narendra Patel also claimed that he had already received Rs. 10 lakh as token money. (ANI)