As a follow up action of the proposal to shift the Osmania General Hospital, Afzalgunj, to Govt. Modern Maternity Hospital, Petlaburz, the Telangana State Government today issued orders for providing necessary infrastructure required for the shifting.
Permission is accorded to meet the civil works requirement of Rs. 442 lakhs from the amount sanctioned of Rs.1400 lakhs towards construction of OPD Block at Govt. Modern Maternity Hospital, Petlaburz,.
Permission is accorded to procure the equipment works of Rs. 692 lakhs from Rs.7608 lakhs provided in B.E. 2015-16 towards procurement of equipment of Osmania General Hospital, by following the due procedure.
Permission is accorded for hiring of vehicles for transportation of patients, doctors, drugs, samples, diet from Osmania General Hospital to Govt. Modern Maternity Hospital, and the District Hospital, King Koti, subject to condition that usage of vehicles is exclusively for specific purpose and required period only, duly following tender procedure.(NSS)