Hyderabad: Unani Day was celebrated on Sunday, at Shifakhana Charminar. Director Department of Ayush, Mr Rajendra Kumar, Additional Director Mir Yousuf Ali and officials of Nizamia Tibbi College and Shifakhana Charminar were present on the occasion. Deputy Chief Minister Mohammed Mahmood Ali attended as chief guest. A special generator was installed for the function. With the help of which the entire venue was lighted. However, sadly the building of Shifakhana Charminar and Nizamia Tibbi College and hostel were in dark for 4 hours.
Children were administered medicines in the lights of mobile phones. Restiveness prevailed among other patients as well. Those who were singing praises of the director and additional director at the function didn’t bother to feel the plight of the patients suffering in the hospital.
Later when Mohammed Mahmood Ali came to know about the power shutdown, he called electricity department and expressed anger over the negligence.
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