Renowned Shia cleric Qais al-Khazali and the Secretary-General of Asaib Ahl al-Haq militia has accused the US, Saudi Arabia and internal Iraqi entities for planning out demonstrations in Basra province last month.
“Political reasons were behind the chaos that occurred in Basra, and Prime Minister Haider Abadi is mainly responsible for them,” Shia cleric said.
Directives issued by US consulate in Basra on a social page erupted the situation in the region said Al-Khazali, Russia Today news site reported on Wednesday, MEM reports.
“The protests were originally legitimate and true, but the demonstrations burning of some factions headquarters and the popular crowd headquarters were politically motivated influenced by the US, Saudi Arabia and internal Iraqi factions” Al- Khazali said.
Protests against corruption and armed militias had erupted in southern Iraqi provinces mainly in the region of Basra on July 8.