Hyderabad: As per the instructions of the officers, the She Teams went to Dilsukhnagar shopping area, divided into two groups and kept observing the visitors at about 18.30 hrs. On observation, the She Teams found one male person aged about 22 years who was following and teasing a female visitor. On observing him for about one hour, the She Team caught the person red handed and on oral enquiry, he disclosed his name as D.Surya Vamshi S/o. D Bapu Rao, Student and r/o.Adilabad. He confessed his guilt. A petty case was booked and he was arrested and produced before the magistrate. He was convicted one-day jail sentence along with fine.
At NTR Park
As part of their regular task, She Teams went to NTR Garden for observation. The team found one person who was following and throwing chits on a girl while she was walking along with NTR Garden Park road. The respondent was caught red-handed with video evidence. When verified with the victim, she revealed that he was following her since some time and she does not know him.
Immediately, the respondent was brought to SHE teams office. He admitted his guilt and disclosed that his name is Md.Almas, S/o.Md.Iliyas, Student, R/o.Nizamabad Dist. A petty case was registered and he is being produced before the Magistrate.(NSS).