LONDON: Shameema Begum, a 19-year-old who’s in the Syrian refugee camp wanted to return to her country UK. Shameema is a British citizen and fled away to join Daesh back in 2015 when she was 15 years old. The British Home Secretary Sajid Javid, revoked the citizenship of the British citizen saying that she could be a threat to the country.
Father of Shameema Begum while speaking to BBC said: “She did wrong without realizing it.” He also apologized for what she has done and asks the Home Secretary to reconsider his decision.
According to interviews by BBC and Sky news, Shameema at the age of 15 ran away from her home country with two of her friends to join Daesh. She married a 23-year-old Yago Riedijk, a Dutch. She had 3 children, two of whom died due to starvation and the youngest one who was just eighteen days died after her citizenship got cancelled.
“I was just a housewife and never made any propaganda. I didn’t do anything dangerous, I never encouraged people to come to Syria”, said Shameema.
Shameema is willing to change and is apologetic to whatever she has done. She wants the government to re-evaluate their decision with a bit more mercy in their hearts. Her family is asking for help from the government for bringing her back.