Bengaluru: In a shocking incident, an air hostess, resident of HRBR Layout, an high-class residential area was allegedly sexually assaulted by a biker at 10 pm in the Banaswadi area on February 12 when she and her friend was returning walking home after having the dinner.
According to, A man totally covered his face wearing a helmet came on a motorcycle tore up the girl’s shirt and allegedly sexually assaulted her. When the girl cried out for help, a man who was passing from there came and save her by the time the accused ran away.
A complaint had been given by the victim on February 14. Police have registered an FIR under Section 354 (outraging modesty) of IPC and are investigating but still the accused had not been caught. According to the reports the girl suffered from injuries in the incident and her shirt was torn.
Reportedly, the incident took place in the same area where many such incidents happened in the past. Many students and youngsters who are from various parts of the country stay in this area.
In a similar case, a 57-year-old was sexually assaulting a minor girl was beaten up by the public, the man had affected by the alcohol when the incident took place in Bengaluru.
In the starting of the year itself Bengaluru is in the news for the incident of mass molestation during new year eve celebrations on December 31, 2016.