New Delhi: Amidst polarisation efforts in the country, Shahi Imam Jama Masjid and his staff foiled a big conspiracy to spark communal riots. As reported by Inquilab, after Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s address from Red Fort at nearly 10 am, 15 to 20 people gathered at the main gate of Jama Masjid. They were holding tricolour and were shouting provocative slogans, besides slogans like Bharat Mata ki Jai, BJP Zindabad, Narendra Modi Zindabad, Atal Bihari Vajpayee Zindabad. The Muslim youth who were inside the masjid responded with Imam Bukhari Zindabad, Shahi Imam Zindabad slogans.
As soon as Shahi Imam received information, he immediately sent his secretary Amanullah with his staff to stop sloganeering. Amanullah went with the staff on gate no 1 and silenced Muslim youth. Surprisingly not a single policeman was present on any of the gates of Jama Masjid.
Speaking to Inquilab daily Shahi Imam claimed that it was a big conspiracy to trigger communal violence. He said the communal elements were raising provocative slogans which could have incited anger among Muslims. He said this was the first time that people indulged in sloganeering at Jama Masjid.