New Delhi: Fans of Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan are in for a treat as Doordarshan is bringing back the 1989 hit series ‘Circus’ in which the star had acted as a newcomer.
The show will be aired at 8 PM from today on Doordarshan’s National channel.
“Good news for @iamsrk Fans – DON’T MISS @iamsrk’s #Circus – Popular TV Series (1989) – From 19th Feb at 8 pm only on @DDNational,” the public broadcaster said.
DG Doordarshan Supriya Sahu said the broadcaster is looking at the treasure trove that it has in its archives and is still very popular and relevant today.
“We are considering having a dedicated half an hour time slot on which popular programmes and content from Doordarshan’s archives may be shown. There has been a stream of requests related to many of these programmes which are fresh in people’s minds even today,” she added.
Circus is a 1989 series which was directed by Aziz Mirza and Kundan Shah, and apart from Shah Rukh Khan and other known names, also starred acclaimed director Ashutosh Gowariker.