Ahmedabad:Shah Rukh Khan’s remarks on intolerance in the country had sparked a national debate about a few months ago. And that had also resulted in his last film Dilwale facing bans in different key centres around the country. Now, when the actor was shooting for his upcoming film Raees in Ahmedabad his car was attacked in the city.
Reports suggest that stones were pelted at SRK’s car in Ahmedabad.The news was shared on Twitter by the official handle of ANI news agency. It also mentioned that the superstar wasn’t in his car when the incident took place and there are no reports of any injuries to anyone.
Earlier, it was reported that Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) protested against SRK’s Raees in Gujarat, where the superstar was shooting his film. The activists protested outside the district Collector’s office and even shouted slogans.
Apart from SRK, Aamir Khan, too, is still receiving a backlash for expressing wife Kiran Rao’s fear of staying in India over growing ‘intolerance.’