Superstar Shah Rukh Khan, who has millions of fans around the world, is all set to play one in his upcoming film ‘Fan’, to be directed by ‘Band Baaja Baarat’ helmer Maneesh Sharma for Yash Raj Films.
The 48-year-old actor said the role is a tribute to his admirers.
“Most of the characters I do are the ones I create… for the first time I am going to play what has created me…I will be in my next a ‘FAN’,” Shah Rukh tweeted.
“‘FAN’ is a ‘family film’. It’s the family all of you have become for me… the one I didn’t have. I want to be as beautiful as you all. Thanx (sic),” he added.
Directed by Sharma and produced by Aditya Chopra, the film has been written by Habib Faisal and will start shooting from May, next year.
Shah Rukh and YRF have worked on many successful films in the past and their most recent collaboration was on Yash Chopra’s last film ‘Jab Tak Hai Jaan’.