Lucknow: In a major setback to Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath, a Lucknow court has ordered to issue a notice the BJP leader in a 19-year-old murder case. A Sessions Court on Tuesday ordered a notice to be issued against the Uttar Pradesh chief minister for involvement in a case dates back to February 1999 involving the murder of a personal security officer from Gorakhpur. Satya Prakash Yadav, a personal security officer of then Samajwadi Party leader Talat Aziz was killed during a protest organised by the party in Maharajganj. A group allegedly led by Adityanath opened fire on the agitators.
A Sessions Court had turned down Aziz’s plea to reopen the case in March this year, following which she filed a review petition at the Lucknow High Court. On the direction of Lucknow High Court to reopen the trial, the Sessions Court in Maharajganj has ordered that a notice be issued to the accused, including Yogi Adityanath and others, for further trial in the case. CM Yogi has been given a week’s time to respond to the notice.