Set up grievance redressal cells in colleges to curb student suicides: GIO

Hyderabad: In view of soaring student suicides, the Girls Islamic Organisation (GIO) on Friday requested the establishment of grievance redressal cells within the campuses to curb the incidents.

A representation was submitted to the Telangana education minister Sabitha Indira Reddy by the GIO members who requested redressal cells in accordance with the guidelines of the University Grants Commission (UGC).

They also urged the minister to ensure existing cells be restructured to include elected student representatives, making them more approachable and student-friendly.

The representation suggested the expansion of the scope of redressal to include more student-related issues beyond the currently specified ones while highlighting the need for counseling units in colleges.

According to the UGC guidelines, every higher education institution in the country must establish a student’s grievances and redressal cell, as per the Student Redressal Regulation 2018, Section 4(A)(I).

These cells are tasked with investigating complaints and taking action in cases related to harassment in institutions.

While some colleges have initiated online redressal portals, the recent trend of student suicide cases has called into question the efficiency of these cells.

President of the National Federation of GIO, Sumaiya Roshan said, “The absence of a safe environment becomes a threat for students from taking advantage of these opportunities effectively.”

“The minister accepted the memorandum and confirmed an appointment to discuss the issue in detail while the GIO plans to include student representatives in the meeting to share their personal experiences,” she added.