Lucknow, September 01: Cracking its whip on adulterators, the Uttar Pradesh government will set up a special task force in the newly created Food and Drug Authority to give it more teeth, a senior official said. “For effective action against adulterators and to nail inter-district and inter-state adulteration rackets, a Special Task Force will be set up in the Authority,” Principal Secretary, Food and Medicine, Desh Deepak Varma said.
A statewide drive would soon be launched against adulterators, he said at a review meeting yesterday, adding that instructions have been issued to all district magistrates in this regard. On acute shortage of blood in blood banks in the state, he favoured an action plan to promote voluntary blood donation and said the Red Cross Society can play a major role in this.
He said district magistrates in collaboration with NGOs would soon launch a blood donation drive in the state.