Session to be held in new Parliament House from 2022: Om Birla

Ottawa: Addressing the 25th conference of the Presiding Officers and the Chairman of Parliaments of Commonwealth Nations here, Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla said that in 2022, when India will celebrate the 75th anniversary of Independence, the Parliament sessions will be held in the new Parliament House.

He said the construction work of Central Vista, from Rashtrapati Bhawan to India Gate, has started. The new Parliament House and Central Vista will constructed in a manner that it will fulfill the needs of the next 250 years.

The Parliament House was constructed in 1927. It has completed 92 glorious years. The need of the new Parliament House emerged so as to provide ample space and facilities to the MPs and officials for the making of New India because the responsibilities have also increased with the new mandate, he said.

Birla said several countries across the globe had to reconstruct their Parliament Houses as per the 21st century. He also said that consultations have been taken from the concerned people for the construction of the new Parliament House.

He said the architecture of the Parliament House symbolises the aspirations of a country and countrymen adding that keeping in view the increasing number of Parliamentarians and their work the legislatures across the globe are expanding.

Speaking on the subject of parliamentary activities, transparency and accountability, Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha Harivansh said Parliament’s dialogue with the people is the right to a vibrant democratic system. It is necessary to convey the information of the works of Parliament to the public.