Mumbai: The benchmark Sensex opened over 230 points lower on Tuesday while the Nifty slipped below the 10,800 point mark.
Selling was seen across all sectors on both NSE and BSE.
The Sensex of the BSE opened at 35,975.75 from its previous close at 36,213.38 on Monday.
At 9.22 a.m., the Sensex traded at 35,949.92 lower by 263.46 points or 0.73 per cent.
The Nifty of the National Stock Exchange (NSE) opened at 10,775.30 from it’s previous close of 10,880.10.
The Nifty traded at 10,794.50 during the morning trade session, down 85.60 points and 0.79 per cent.
On Monday, foreign institutional investors (FIIs) bought stocks worth Rs 2,134.35 crore while domestic institutional investors (DIIs) sold stocks to the tune of Rs 1,746.40 crore.