Mumbai : The market sentiments on Monday ended on a slightly higher note with the Sensex trading at 23788.79, up 79.64 points or 0.3 percent.
The Nifty on the other hand managed to trail at 7234.55 rising 23.80 points or 0.3 percent.
HUL, Sun Pharma, Lupin and Cipla were top gainers while NTPC, ITC, Maruti, Adani Ports and Wipro remained the losers.
The bullion market witnessed sharp fall in the gold prices, which fell by Rs. 280 to crack below the Rs. 29,000 mark to Rs. 28,970 per ten grams, tracking a weak trend overseas amid subdued demand from jewelers at domestic spot market.
Silver followed suit and dropped by Rs. 325 to Rs. 37,100 per kg due to reduced off-take by industrial units and coin makers. (ANI)