Mumbai: The benchmark Sensex moved up nearly 27 points in early trade today, extending yesterday’s gain on sustained buying by participants amid a mixed trend in other Asian markets. The 30-share index rose 26.97 points, or 0.10 per cent, to 27,284.61, with sectoral indices led by oil & gas, consumer durables, capital goods, PSU and healthcare trading higher by up to 0.84 per cent. The gauge had gained 21.98 points in the previous session.
The NSE index Nifty too edged higher by 6.15 points, or 0.07 per cent, to 8,423.15. Brokers said besides buying by foreign and domestic institutional investors and other participants, a mixed trend in other Asian bourses, led to a better trend in the domestic market here.
Furthermore, expectations of encouraging earnings from few more blue-chip companies influenced sentiment, they added.
Among other Asian markets, Japan’s Nikkei was trading higher by 0.94 per cent, while Hong Kong’s Hang Seng shed 0.49 per cent in their early deals. The Shanghai Composite index was down by 0.06 per cent. The US Dow Jones Industrial Average ended 0.11 per cent lower in yesterday’s trade.