In a shocking revelation, it was found that the news flashed by the ANI on Thursday night stating threats to Chandan Gupta’s father was fake. This was revealed by the senior-most police official of the communally sensitive Kasganj.
Janta ka reporter has quoted the Superintendent of Police in Kasganj, Piyush Srivastava as saying, “I want to tell you that there’s a media channel called ANI. An individual from that channel carried a news without taking the official version from us. I would like to request you that whenever you run any news (related to Kasganj), please also carry our official version. I’ve spoken to their superiors in Delhi headquarter on this matter asking them to take action against him. We’ve also filed a report against him so that such episodes are not repeated.”
He observed that ANI journalist had made some manipulation and the police were informed that a media person had forced Chandan’s father to make that statement.
It must be recalled that ANI had posted two news flashes late Thursday night quoting the father of Chandan Gupta as saying that he had received threats from some bike-borne men.