Hyderabad: The Hyderabad Police Commissioner Anjani Kumar today appointed special police officers to monitor the law and order situation and other security arrangements in the upcoming GHMC elections. He has asked the security officers to inspect the strong rooms, polling stations and counting halls.
The additional DGP Shika Goel was entrusted with the responsibility of east zone, the additional commissioner of police of traffic anil kumar was entrusted with the responsibility of west zone .
The additional commissioner of police of law and order of the west zone DS Chauhan was appointed as the special officer of the south zone.
The joint commissioner of police of the special branch Tarun Joshi was appointed as the special officer of Central zone while the joint CP of CCS Avinash Mohanty was appointed as the special officer of the north zone.
The special officers will soon hold a meeting with concerned DCPs and inspectors and guide them on how to discharge their duties.