Mumbai: Attacking the BJP, ally Shiv Sena on Wednesday said the promises made by it during the run-up to elections have proved to be mere “lollipops.” “If promises have been made into mere election ‘jumlas’ people will lose faith in public rallies and politicians,” the Sena said in its editorial mouthpiece ‘Saamna’.
“People may now be shocked to learn that promises of loan waiver (for farmers) and job creation were only lollipops,” the Sena said targeting the BJP-led government at the Centre and in Maharashtra.
The Uddhav Thackeray led party, however, said the Narendra Modi government is the last ray of hope for people and so both the Centre and the State government have an added responsibility to live up to their expectations.
Sena is part of the Devendra Fadnavis-led Maharashtra government.
“(BJP leader and Union Minister) Nitin Gadkari recently said that waiving loans will not be possible. He has a reputation for speaking the truth without mincing words.
“When we were in the Opposition we used to demand a loan waiver but that is not possible now,” the Sena said.
It said BJP chief Amit Shah too spoke the harsh truth when he said everybody cannot be given employment at once.
It recalled that when in opposition, the BJP and the Sena had slammed the then Maharashtra Chief Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde when he said that all election promises were not to be fulfilled.