Hyderabad: Haroon Khan Sherwani Centre for Deccan Studies (HKCDS) at Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU) in collaboration with National Council for Promotion of Urdu Language (NCPUL) is organizing a two-day national seminar on “The Development of History, Science, Art, Culture and Civilization during the period of Kakatiya and Asafjahi rulers” on 29 and 30 January 2020.
The inaugural session will be held on 29th January 2020, at 10.30 am. at Library Auditorium, MANUU Campus.
According to Prof. Naseemuddin Farees, Director I/c, HKCDS, Prof. Mohammed Suleman Siddiqui, Former VC, OU will be the chief guest.
Dr. Mohammad Aslam Parvaiz, Vice-Chancellor, MANUU will preside over the inaugural. Prof. M. N. Sayeed, Director, Deccan Studies, Bengaluru will deliver the keynote address. Mr. Raheemuddin Ansari, Chairman, Telangana Urdu Academy, Mrs. Oudesh Rani, Eminent Scholar, and Dr. Zarina Parveen, Director, Telangana State Archives will be the guests of honor. Intellectuals, researchers, historians of Deccan and scholars from universities will present papers.
Mahfil-e-Dastangoi held at MANUU
Hyderabad: Centre for Urdu Culture Studies (CUCS), Maulana Azad National Urdu University organized Mahfil-e-Dastangoi yesterday evening at Saiyid Hamid Library Auditorium, University Campus. Dastangoi is the traditional art of story telling.

Renowned theatre and television artist Poonam Girdhaniand Rajesh Kumar teamed up to present the story “Dastan-e-Irfan-e-Budh” (Story about enlightenment of Buddha), showcasing the entire life of Mahatma Buddha, attainment of enlightenment and promotion of Buddhism. Renowned storyteller Mahmood Farooqi is the director and Poonam Gardhani is the writer of this Dastan.
Dr. Mohammad Aslam Parvaiz, Vice-Chancellor congratulated the artists for their mesmerizing performances. Prof. Mohd. Zafaruddin, Director, Centre welcomed the guests. Mr. Anis Azmi, Chief Consultant, Cultural Centre introduced the guests and proposed a vote of thanks.