New Delhi: Chairman of Delhi Union of Working Journalist SK Pandey said Urdu is a rich language. The newspapers published in Urdu have played a very significant role in the freedom struggle but today it is being tried to obliterate the Urdu newspapers. He said our theme is how to save Urdu journalism and how to promote them to restore their lost glory.
Mr Pandey said preserving regional languages is necessary. He told this while addressing the seminar entitled ‘Problems faced by Urdu Journalism’, at India Islamic Cultural Centre. SK Pandey suggested organising the next seminar in Hyderabad.
Chairman India Islamic Cultural Centre Sirajuddin Quraishi, editor Nai Duniya Shahid Siddiqui, governor of Manipur Dr Najma Heptulla, OSD and India Islamic Cultural Centre executive member Badruddin Khan, Farooq Argali, Masoom Muradabadi, Sohail Anjum, Siraj Naqvi, AU Asif, Mohammed Ahmed Kazmi, Abdussalam, W Chandrakant and veteran journalist Santosh Kumar also addressed on the occasion.