Seminar on democracy and socialism

(Siasat News) Dalith study centre, Telangana Vidya Vedika will organise a four day international seminar on “Democracy and Socialism in 21st century” from 07 to 10 March at Hotel Katriya. This will be attended by National and International intellectuals. Presidnet of the reception committee, Prof. Ch. Rammaya highlighted the objectives of the seminar. He said that the 29th state of India, Telangana is being constituted wherein the majority of the people belong to weaker sections who have been victimized by captalist and selfish politicians.

He told this in a press conference held at Ashoka Hotel yesterday. He further told that discussion will be held about the injustices and atrocities of the capitalists in Telangana area. He also told that the importance of revolutionary movements in democracy will also be highlighted in the seminar. The Chairman of reception committee will present opening remarks, whereas Mr. Mallepally Laxmaiah will present welcome address. The seminar will start at 9 am on 7th March. Representatives from Canada, U.K., Brazil, Bolivia, Thailand, South Africa, Mexico, Zimbabve, Netherlands, Germany, Malaysia, Italy, Vietnam and other countries will participate in the seminar. At the end of the last session of the seminar a public meeting will be held from 3-6 pm at Sundraiah Viqyana Kendram, Bagh Lingampally. Mr. Ramchandra Murthy, Prof. Rama Melkote, Mr. Jeevan Kumar, Mr. Devi Prasad, Mr. Mallepally Laxmaiah, Mr. Kaki Madhava Rao, Mr. Srinivas Reddy and others also addressed on the various aspects of the seminar.

——Siasat News