Hyderabad: The Interfaith Coalition for Peace (ICP) on Sunday, wrote a letter addressing to the Home Minster Amit Shah, that the IPC approaching the Home Minister for appointment to discuss on Citizenship Amendment Act 2019 (CAA).

As per their letter, the IPC info@icpindia.org motioned: We are grateful to you for saying on February 13, 2020, at Time Now Summit that you are open to anybody approaching you to discussion on merits regarding CAA and that your office should be approached for an appointment which will be fixed with three days. We are will to come over for discussion. We would request you to kindly direct your office to inform us of the date and time.
In the meanwhile, we take this opportunity to apprise you of our evaluation of the CAA.
In our well-considered yet dispassionate view the CAA violates (a) not only Articles 14, 25, 26, 27 and 51 of the Constitution of India but also (b) Articles 1, 2, 6, 7, 14, 15, 22 and 28 of the UNO’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights and (c) Article 13 of the New York Declaration of Refugees & Migrants, 2016 which was attended and endorsed by India’s MoS External Affairs.
Thus, the CAA is unjustifiably selective in providing largesse to favored citizens of only three countries and ignores similarly placed citizens of many neighboring countries with similar characteristics. Thus, CAA places parochial interests on top of and superseding the general interests of humanity. A detailed note appended for your kind perusal.
Besides, in an unprecedented move, there are ongoing protracted countrywide and worldwide protests against CAA, many state assemblies have passed resolutions, much international organization has spoken against it.
Therefore, we earnestly request you and our Government of India to kindly (a) either repeal the CAA or, alternatively, (b) delete the words “belonging to Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Jain, Parsi or Christian community” form the Provisos below Sections 2 and 6 in the CAA.
CAA violates the following Articles of the Constitution of India: