New Delhi: The Supreme Court ruled that consensual gay sex is not a crime among adults. Following the verdict, Hindu Muslim Sikh and Christian religious leaders joined the cause against the verdict. They have urged the government to pass an ordinance in the parliament to overturn a Supreme Court order.
Hindu Muslim, Sikh and Christian religious leaders lamented upon the decision and said that it would promote indecency, immodesty and crimes. Muslim clerics termed it against Islam and Sharia laws. President Hindu Mahasabha declared it a sinister campaign to ‘destroy Indian ethos and values’.
Maulana Salim Qasim said, God provided a system for increasing the population of humanity, a relationship between husband and wife, for all communities on earth. Any other kind of sexual relationship is forbidden and illegal. He termed homosexuality as dirty, flighty and against nature. He said no right-thinking person will accept this.
Uttar Pradesh president of Akhil Bharatiya Hindu Mahasabha, Yogendra Kumar Verma termed the judgment a conspiracy to destroy Hindu culture. He said the values of our culture is important for us we should not accept what is unnatural. He echoed the thoughts of Muslim cleric that God has created men and women for each other. Hence homosexuality should be considered a crime.
General Secretary Muslim Majlis Amal said the ruling is against the spirit of all religions. No religion permits homosexuality.
Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha president Swami Chakrapani asked the government to pass an ordinance in parliament against the verdict. He said the verdict of Supreme Court in favour of homosexuality is not in the interest of society and nation. It will only promote evils and tarnish the image of the country.
All India Sikh Conference present Gurcharan Singh Babar said Supreme Court’s judgment is against all religions.
Father of Church Ramesh Pathak strongly condemned the decision declaring it is against the Bible laws.