Seawater may be possible alterative to petroleum fuel for battleships

Scientists have claimed that seawater could be used fuel up US Navy’s ships after they vowed to cut their petroleum use in half by 2015, and produce at least half of its jet fuel using alternative sources by 2020. According to Mashable, analytical chemist Heather Willauer is leading a study at the Naval Research Laboratory to develop the necessary technology that sucks up the gases to produce synthetic jet fuel for ships right out of the seawater they tread. Willauer said that the non-petroleum fuel, which would cost between 3-dollar and 6-dollar per gallon to produce, is comparable to current prices of petroleum fuel. If the desired results are achieved by the researchers, the petroleum alternative could turn out to be a boon for the Navy in terms of its alternative energy goals, and it would provide a faster and safer process of refueling, that is usually costly, time-consuming and a risky process, to its expanding fleet.
