Mumbai:Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) today arrested three persons including the Sub Divisional Officer (SDO) of Palghar for allegedly accepting a bribe of Rs 50 lakh for giving favourable ruling in land-related cases.
ACB Thane unit arrested SDO Palghar, Shivaji Davbhat (46), Nayab Tehsildar Satish Manivade (57) and Jayesh Patil (25). Jayesh worked as Davbhat’s driver, an ACB official said.
At least four cases related to the complainant’s land were pending in the court of Sub Divisional Officer, and Davbhat had asked for a bribe of Rs 50 lakh to give judgement in favour of him, ACB said.
After the complainant approached the ACB, a trap was set at the SDO’s office, and Davbhat, Maniwade and Patil were arrested red-handed while taking the money today, it said.
The sleuths used original bank notes of Rs 3 lakh and Rs 47 lakh in dummy notes to set the trap.
Further probe is on.