Hyderabad: Officials of the Dept. of Minorities Welfare completed the scrutiny of the applications of the candidates who had applied under overseas scholarship scheme. Govt. constituted a four member scrutiny committee which consists of Mr. Shahnawaz Qasim, Director, Dept. of Minorities Welfare, Mr. B. Shafiullah, Secretary, Minorities Residential Schools, Mr. M.A. Waheed, MD of Minorities Finance Corporation and Prof. S.A. Shukoor, Secretary/Director, Urdu Academy.
A meeting of this sub-committee was held with the district minority welfare officers and the scrutiny of application was completed.
In all, 622 applications were submitted which includes 439 applications from Hyderabad City. 99 applications were rejected since they were not fulfilling the stipulated conditions. Govt. intends to grant 250 scholarships this year. The minimum eligibility condition for getting this scholarship is 60% marks in the qualifying examination. If the number of such applicants exceeds 250, selection would be made on the basis of merit.
The scrutiny of the applicants belonging to Ranga Reddy District will be done again.
It may be mentioned that due to non-release of funds, the second installment of overseas scholarships could not be paid to the candidates who were selected earlier.
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