In order to clear extra rush of passengers during Ganesh Nimarjanam, the South Central Railway will run eight special MMTS trains between various destinations in Hyderabad / Secunderabad in the intervening night of 27th September and 28th September.
As per the schedule, the Train No. GSH-1 Secunderabad-Hyderabad MMTS Special will depart Secunderabad at 23:30 hrs on 27th September and arrive Hyderabad at 00:05 hrs of 28th September; Train No. GSH-8 Secunderabad-Hyderabad MMTS Special will depart Secunderabad at 04:00 hrs on 28th September and arrive Hyderabad at 04:40 hrs; Train No. GHL-5 Hyderabad – Lingampalli MMTS Special will depart Hyderabad at 23:00 hrs on 27th September and arrive Lingampalli at 23:50 hrs; Train No. GHL-2 Hyderabad-Lingampalli MMTS Special will depart Hyderabad at 00: 30 hrs on 28th September and arrive Lingampalli at 01:20 hrs; Train No. GHS-4 Hyderabad-Secunderabad MMTS Special will depart Hyderabad at 03:30 hrs on 28th September and arrive Secunderabad at 04:00 hrs; Train No. GFS-7 Falaknuma-Secunderabad MMTS Special will depart Falaknuma at 02:20 hrs on 28th September and arrive Secunderabad at 03:00 hrs; Train No. GLH-3 Lingampalli-Hyderabad MMTS Special will depart Lingampalli at 01:50 hrs on 28th September and arrive Hyderabad at 02:40 hrs and Train No. GLF-6 Lingampalli –Falaknuma MMTS Special will depart Lingampalli at 00:10 hrs on 28th September and arrive Falaknuma at 01:50 hrs. (INN)