Tamil Nadu: Four girl students from a government school at Tiruchengode in Namakkal district of Tamil Nadu have been dismissed for allegedly consuming beer in their classroom.
The incident took place last Monday, after exams scheduled to be held that day were postponed because of heavy rain that flooded several parts of Tamil Nadu, and school declared a holiday.
According to sources seven students who were in Class 11 came to the school to celebrate a birthday and got beer in soft drink bottles.
The girls partied in one of the classrooms. The students were later found drunk in the classroom by the class teacher. She informed the headmistress and they took them to the hospital.
The four students confessed to have had alcohol during an inquiry by the school.
The matter was taken to the educational officer, who asked the school to issue transfer certificates (TCs) to the four students who had consumed alcohol, while the other three were given a warning.