New Delhi: Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday said that the former law minister Somnath Bharti, who has been booked in a domestic violence case, is becoming an embarrassment for Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and his family, and therefore should surrender.
“Somnath shud surrender.Why is he running away?Why is he so scared of gng to jail?,” the Delhi Chief Minister tweeted.
“Now he ( Somnath Bharti) is becoming embarrassment for party n his family. He should cooperate with police (sic),” he added.
The AAP MLA is facing a non-bailable warrant against him in a domestic violence and attempt to murder case filed by his wife, Lipika Mitra.
The Delhi High Court had earlier dismissed Bharti’s anticipatory bail plea.
On June 10, the DCW had served a notice to Bharti after Mitra accused him of domestic violence.
She has alleged that she has been facing violence at the hands of Bharti since 2010, adding that she wants a separation in order to live with her children ‘with dignity’. (ANI)