Hyderabad: In the 10-day budget session, CM was present only for three days whereas, the Floor Leader of MIM, Mr. Akbaruddin Owaisi after delivering a traditional match-fixing speech in the Assembly went abroad leaving the minority issues to the discretion of CM.
Constructive criticism
In the absence of Floor Leader, CM applauded the ‘constructive criticism’ of the TRS ally. The Muslims of the State expected that Govt. would have been taken to task on the issues like lack of funds for minority welfare, the spread of viral diseases etc. but after his speech, the Floor Leader disappeared from the Assembly.
It may be mentioned that the Budget Session of TS was started on 9th September. CM presented the budget in Assembly whereas, Mr. T. Harish Rao presented it in the Council.
The floor leader delivered his budget speech on 14th September wherein, he mentioned the restoration of Amberpet Masjid and demand to punish Alair Encounter accused.
The next day, CM responded and promised to release complete budget for Minorities. He overlooked Amberpet Masjid and Alair Encounter issues.
The budget session proved disappointing since no discussions were held on epidemic and suicide cases of intermediate students. However, Congress leader, Mr. Vikramaraka raised his voice on the irregularities of TS Govt. making the Govt. to take a defensive position.
The absence of CM and MIM floor leader was the talk of the legislators in the Assembly.