New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said the Supreme Court verdict was unfortunate and against democracy. The Supreme Court (SC) pronounced its verdict to end the ongoing power tussle in the national capital.
India Today quoted Kejriwal as saying, “We respect the apex court but this is injustice to the people. What kind of democracy is this? How can Delhi progress if the government is forced to sleep at L-G’s office and protest to get developmental work done?” He claimed that it is very difficult for a government to function if it cannot transfer its own officers.
It must be noted that the Supreme Court ruled many aspects in favour of the Centre including control of Delhi’s anti-corruption bureau (ACB) and also on setting up inquiry commission under the Commission of Inquiry Act, 1952.
Meanwhile, slamming Arvind Kejriwal for holding a press briefing after the top court’s verdict, BJP spokesperson Sambit Patra said the party may file a contempt petition against Arvind Kejriwal.