New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Friday sought Attorney General K.K. Venugopal’s assistance on a plea filed by former Law Minister Shanti Bhushan seeking direction that the exercise of authority as a master of roster by the Chief Justice should be done in consultation with senior judges who are part of the collegium.
A bench of Justice A.K. Sikri and Justice Ashok Bhushan asked the Attorney General to assist the bench and posted the matter on April 27.
In his PIL, Bhushan said the authority of the Chief Justice as a master of roster was not an “absolute, arbitrary, singular power” which may be exercised in his “sole discretion” and that the CJI must exercise his authority in consultation with other senior judges who are also part of the collegium.
The collective opinion of a collegium of senior judges was much safer than the opinion of the Chief Justice alone, the PIL says.