New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Friday dismissed a plea filed by Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Gali Janardhan Reddy, for allowing him to go to Bellary to campaign for his brother, G. Somashekar Reddy, contesting for the upcoming assembly elections in Karnataka.
A bench of Justice A.K. Sikri and Justice Ashok Bhushan dismissed the plea of Janardhan Reddy and said “your brother will take care of it”.
Out on bail in the illegal mining case, Janardhan Reddy approached the apex court saying he wanted to campaign for his younger brother Somashekar Reddy on May 8 and 9 in Bellary, Karnataka.
He also wanted permission to cast his vote in Bellary on May 12. The results of the polls are scheduled to be out on May 15.
In January 2015, the apex court while granting him bail in the illegal mining case had asked him to stay away from mining areas like Bellary district of Karnataka.
Janardhana Reddy is an accused in the illegal mining case involving his Obulapuram Mining Company (OMC).
The company is accused of changing the mining lease boundary markings and indulging in illegal mining in the Bellary Reserve Forest area, spread over Bellary in Karnataka and Anantapur district of Andhra Pradesh.