New Delhi: Quoting Supreme Court’s Friday verdict on Koregaon-Bhima violence case, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) spokesperson Sambit Patra mounted an attack on Congress president Rahul Gandhi and slammed him for supporting the detained activists.
Patra said, “The Supreme Court today pointed that the arrests are not due to dissent against the government and it also said that this is not a case of malicious prosecution. It proves that Congress party and Rahul Gandhi were lying all the time to attack BJP. The apex court has also opined that there were valid reasons to believe that there are prima facie links (of the activists) with banned Maoists and the accused cannot choose the investigative agency.
I call it a very big win for national security. We would say that this judgment of the Supreme Court, apart from exposing the Naxals and the Maoists of the country, has also exposed Rahul Gandhi and is an indictment of the Congress party.”
Patra further lambasted Rahul Gandhi by highlighting past cases of the detained activists, namely, Vara Vara Rao, Vernon Gonsalves, Gautam Navlakha and Arun Ferreira have been involved in.
“Rahul Gandhi is standing with Gautam Navlakha who wants referendum in Kashmir and doesn’t consider Kashmir as an integral part of India. The country means nothing to the Congress party.
National security means nothing to Rahul Gandhi. The only thing that’s of paramount importance to Congress party and Rahul Gandhi is only one’s own political agenda”, Patra said.
The activists were detained in connection with violence that erupted at a gathering to mark the 200th anniversary of the Bhima-Koregaon battle. A youth died and several others, including 10 policemen, were injured in the incident which took place in January this year.