New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Monday slapped Rs 50,000 fine on North Delhi Municipal Corporation (NDMC) for suppressing facts before a Vacation Bench to secure a favourable order related to diesel vehicles registration.
A Division Bench of Justices Arun Mishra and Deepak Gupta recalled a Vacation Bench interim order passed on May 16. The order directed the Transport Department of Delhi to register six diesel-driven mounted suction-cum-jetting machines for the purpose of desilting, cleaning of drains and culverts and for implementation of the Municipal Solid Waste Rules.
The NDMC did not inform the Vacation Bench that a regular Bench of the apex court on May 7 listed the matter for further hearing in July.
The court expressed its displeasure when it noted that the NDMC had obtained a favourable order on May 16 and told the corporation to desist from such practices.