New Delhi: The Supreme Court is set to examine the morning prayer practice carried out at Kendriya Vidyalayas and other central government-run schools across the country.
The court acting on the issue said, “it is a serious constitutional issue,” and asked the central run government schools and Kendra Vidyalayas to reply within two weeks after a petition was filed in the court stating morning prayer is unconstitutional and promotes Hindu religion since its practiced since 1964 in overall 1,100 KV schools across India.
A lawyer has filed a petition in the apex court stating the morning prayer enforced on children is a violation of the constitution as it promotes a particular religion since the children are made to close their eyes and fold their hands while singing the prayer.
“The prayer is in Hindi and Sanskrit. Students of other religions have to compulsorily attend the assembly and recite it,” said Veenayak Shah adding, “there is no scientific reason to call this prayer beneficial, so it should be scrapped.”
His prayer added government-run schools cannot promote any particular religion and said its “constitutionally impermissible”, NDTV reported.