New Delhi: The Supreme Court has adjourned the hearing on a plea challenging the validity of Article 370 of the Constitution, which gives special status to Jammu and Kashmir.
The Apex Court will further hear the matter in April 2019.
The top court passed the order after the Centre asked for the adjournment stating that the current situation in the state is very sensitive.
Earlier in October, the National Conference (NC) and the Peoples Democratic Alliance (PDP) boycotted the municipal elections over lack of clarity in the Centre’s stance on Articles 35A.
Article 35A is a provision in the Constitution giving the Jammu and Kashmir Legislature a freedom to decide the permanent residents of the State and confer on them special rights, while Article 370 of the Constitution gives autonomous status to Jammu and Kashmir.
In April this year, the top court had said that Article 370 of the Constitution is not a temporary provision.