New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Wednesday adjourned the contempt plea filed against Delhi Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) president Manoj Tiwari for allegedly breaking the seal of a locked house in an unauthorised colony here in Gokalpur area earlier this month.
Furthermore, the top court directed Tiwari to appear for the next hearing after 10 days.
Tiwari, while speaking to media after the adjournment of the contempt plea, urged the apex court to stop the sealing drive till the final verdict is pronounced in the case.
“I don’t know why the case was not heard today. I accept the order of the honourable court as I have full faith in the judicial system of India. It is my humble request to the Supreme Court to stop the sealing drive in the capital until the verdict is not pronounced in the case,” he said.
Tiwari further alleged that the monitoring committee appointed by the top court, along with corrupt officials, is running a “corruption racket in the capital.”
The BJP leader also said that he has submitted an affidavit in the court stating that the monitoring committee is not doing their work in a responsible manner.
Tiwari is facing contempt proceedings for allegedly breaking the lock of a house sealed by the apex court-mandated monitoring committee.
However, the BJP lawmaker said that he broke the lock of the premises located in his constituency as it was wrongly sealed by the committee.