Hyderabad: After BJP came to power at the centre, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched ‘Beti Bachao, Beti padhao’ yojana and publicised it widely. But practically neither daughters are safe in the entire country nor women are protected. Not a single day passes without the news of any rape incident. Our prime minister makes tall claims but practically he doesn’t seem to be serious in implementing them.
After Kathua incident another 11-year-old girl was raped and killed in Gujarat. Earlier BJP MLA had raped an 18-year-old girl in Unnao. In this backdrop state home minister N Narshimha Reddy in an exclusive interview to Siasat correspondent Shahnawaz Baig told that the accused who raped and killed innocent girls in Kashmir, Gujarat and UP must be executed. They should be given such admonishable punishment that no one would dare to attempt such thing in future. He told that court should set up a special team in this connection and the convicts should be executed or killed in an encounter. He recalled the incident of 2011 in which 3 youth threw acid on 2 students of KITS engineering college in Hasanparti, Warangal. A special team killed them in an encounter.
Home minister strongly condemned Kathua, Unnao and Surat incidents and claimed that central government has totally failed in protecting girls and women. he urged the people to save their daughters from BJP men.
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