Saudi: Umrah visa begins on the day holder of visa enters the kingdom

Riyadh: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Haj and Umrah said that the duration of the Umrah visa is 90 days, and it begins from the moment the pilgrim enters the territory of the Kingdom.

This came in response to an inquiry on the ministry’s Twitter account, asking that Umrah visa has been issued, bearing in mind that it will expire after the Haj season, so will the pilgrims leave before the Haj?

In response, the ministry of Haj and Umrah stated that the visa “starts from the date of entry into the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, with the necessity of adhering to the validity period of the visa.”

In the same context, the Ministry of Haj clarified that the length of stay for those coming with Umrah visas is 90 days.

On April 15, Saudi Arabia has opened reservations to perform Umrah at the Grand Mosque, Islam’s holiest site in Makkah, during the current Islamic month of Shawwal that began on April 21.

Reservations are made through the Nusuk application, which allows Muslims wishing to perform Umrah or visit holy places in Saudi Arabia to obtain the appropriate visas and permits, in addition to packages related to purchasing online.

According to the Saudi authorities, obtaining an electronic permit for Umrah is still mandatory.

Millions of Muslims, who cannot physically or financially afford the annual haj, flock to Saudi Arabia to perform the Umrah pilgrimage.

In recent months, the Kingdom has unveiled a host of facilities for Muslims abroad to come to the country to perform the Umrah.